Author: Matthew Johnson

Day 168 Of Owning a Book Store

Woo-hoo investors! Yes, people do like the growth prospects of used book stores. And employees want to work in them.  Our Amazon partner team is also popular with a different but no less welcome demographic of book scouts and internet…

Day 150 of Owning the Book Store

Being surrounded by books makes you want to write. And of course, to write is to want to create beauty. Or see the beauty that’s missing in the world, and wrestle, in vain, to express that essence. I would not have…

A way forward for the academic bookstore

BNED continues to struggle as it misses with non-traditional students at the community college level. Follett is their main bookstore competitor ith Amazon slowly building some management of stores themselves There’s no reason to be swinging and missing on sales…

How do I maximize my textbook value?

In working with online buy back stores, you can expect a 20% higher return than your local college bookstore. The sales rank on Amazon is a key factor used to “determine textbook value”.  300K or less and your book will…